our services

Awareness, Education & Protection

  • Door to Door Campaign
  • Awareness Seminars to targeted communities
  • Live Workshops / Manifestation on topics 
  • Promissory Campaign / Signature Campaign
  • Survey on Food Quality, MRP and food packaging
  • Public Meeting
  • Consumer’s Mela
  • Training Sessions
  • Complaint / suggestion’s campaign

Consumer Grievance

Consumers canapproach the concerned consumer court or consumer redressal forum if there is adeficiency in goods or services that he/she may have purchased. The ConsumerProtection Act defines deficiency as any fault, imperfection, shortcoming orinadequacy in the quality, nature and manner of performance which is requiredto be maintained by or under any law for the time being in force or has beenundertaken to be performed by a person in pursuance of a contract or otherwisein relation to any service. We look at the procedure for filing a consumer casein India.

Civil, Criminal & family cases

India prides as the largest democracy in the world. There arethree broad pillars of Indian democracy: the legislatures who make laws, theexecutives who enforce laws and the judiciary that interprets laws. The lawsregulate a number of activities like criminal offense, civil cases, taxation,trade, social welfare, education and labor rights.

Even when laws empower citizens in a large number of ways, asignificant fraction of the population is completely ignorant of their rightsand privileges. As a result, common people are afraid of going to police andrarely go to court to seek justice. People continue to live under fear ofunknown laws and corrupt practices.

A number of attempts have been made to bring the knowledge oflaw to the common people. While it is commendable to make law documentsavailable to common people, it is still quite difficult for common people toeasily find the required information. The first problem is that acts are verylarge and, in most scenarios, just a few sections of laws are applicable.Finding most applicable sections from hundreds of pages of law documents is toodaunting for common people. Secondly, laws are often vague and one needs to seehow they have been interpreted by the judicial courts. Currently, the laws andjudgments are separately maintained and to find judgments that interpretcertain law clauses is difficult.

In order to remove the above two structural problems, The CRCBharat is started. It achieves them by breaking law documents into smallestpossible clause and by integrating law/statutes with court judgments. A tightintegration of court judgments with laws and with themselves allows automaticdetermination of the most relevant clauses and court judgments. Hope The CRCBharat helps you in your search for Indian laws and their interpretations.

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